Naja Art Gallery: Featuring Candace Newlove


The Naja Tool & Supply, Inc. is pleased to announce that artist Candace Newlove will be featured as the second artist in our 2016-gallery lineup. Candace’s work will be on exhibit from March 7 through April 30, 2016 at the Naja Tool & Supply. We are thrilled to share her one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces with our community.

Candace Newlove lives in the mountains west of Boulder. She has worked in the arts for over 30 years in various mediums including metal, fiber and ceramics. Her custom designed and hand fabricated jewelry is made from reclaimed sterling silver accented with gold or gold alloy and combined with precious and semi-precious stones. Her work is designed to be comfortable and to go from a casual to a sophisticated look.

Jewelry matters. It makes a subtle statement of who you are. It can be either a gift of love from someone or to yourself. When wearing it, it can be a unique representation of what is important to you.”

Candace Newlove

Artist interview with Candace and the Naja Tool & Supply, Inc.

Feb. 14, 2016

Naja: What got you into working with metal?
Candace: I was very influenced by my family and being raised in the 60’s and 70’ s when a lot of people were creative and very hands on. As a young girl I tagged along with my father to a friends workshop and helped repair old wooden boats and tuning my own skis for races. I took pride in how sharp I could get the edges and loved the smell and feel of the metal. I was fortunate that I learned how to work with a lot of power tools and run big machinery. My mother on the other hand had an amazing collection of silver jewelry made by amazing silversmiths and artisans and I was gifted much of it through out my life. I recall wondering how these pieces were made and wondered then if I could learn metalsmithing.

Naja: How long have you been making jewelry?

Candace: I have only been working in silver for 2 years and just began dabbling in combining gold about 8 months ago…I really love the combination of the two metals for contrast. I like the idea of embellishing a piece with a surprise/splash of gold. My background in making has been for 40+ years as I began with a small ski hat and sweater business. At the age of 13 I bought my first knitting machine and worked during the summers producing custom items for ski shops and teams. This lasted for about 12 years and is how I put myself through college and grad school. Upon graduation I worked in another field completely and really missed working with my hands. I started working in clay on the side and then made this my fulltime job for several years. But I always had the thought of working in metal in the back of my mind.

Naja: What techniques or process do you prefer? Why?
Candace: I really love the look and the idea of combining metals and texture just like I’ve done with my clay and fiber work. Combining unusual finishes /colors/and textures for a very unique look and feel, I was hopeful I could accomplish these techniques in metalwork. I am just at the tip of the iceberg with these techniques. To accomplish this I am playing with fusing and layering the metal trying to get a bit of a constructed look and yet a bit of a natural look by fusing and reticulation.

Naja: How would you describe your style/makings?
Candace: Hmmm…Well I know what I like and what I am drawn to and hopefully convey this in my work. I personally like contemporary designs that feature the simplicity of handcrafted work. I want people to know that the work was made with my hands and my heart. My hope at the end of the day is that a person who wears one of my pieces grasps the motivation behind the maker’s message.

Naja: Do you have a new skill or technique you would like to learn or implement?
Candace: So many design and technique ideas are brewing in my mind. I am hoping to work more with stone on stone. I’d also like to work with leather. My son in law is an amazing leather worker and maybe he and I can combine efforts in some way. That would be a lot of fun.

Naja: What is your favorite or most used tool?

Candace: I think it is probably the torch. Having built my own soda/wood kilns in the past I have a tremendous respect for fire and its ability to recreate a material into something completely new. It seems to almost have a life of its own and there are a lot of very subtle ways to work with fire.

Naja: What is your current/next project?
Candace: I want to make a belt out of old saddle parts and refinish the leather and embellish it with silver rivets and make an awesome buckle out of silver and turquoise. I have some bracelet ideas to go along with this idea too.

Naja: If there were any part of your craft that you could share with others, what would it be?
Candace: Oh that is easy! Community. Sharing the pure sense of joy in an elated state of creativity with a group of others that absolutely understand you without the slightest effort – that is the ultimate. What comes out of this collaboration is a spontaneous whirlwind of Art at its best.

Naja: Who or what has inspired your work?
Candace: Ah inspiration – that is a multifaceted concept. Many people and experiences have allowed me the opportunity to grow as a person and to explore possibilities. I am most at home and at peace in the mountains and woods, along with my horses and critters. This gives me the solitude and grounding to allow myself to ponder ideas. And then there is my family and friends that support me in my crazy ways to just get out there and do it. I have to say when I walked in to the Naja and met Travis and his crew and to DSMA and met Darlene with hers I knew I was home. The welcoming of like-mindedness and willingness to support and encourage has meant the world to me and for that I am so grateful.


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